Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Camden!

Cami had a fun day turning 7 years old... She got a pretty pink mountain bike
She got visitors at school for lunch
She got to go to Skate City
She got a Care Bear Cake, just as she requested
Happy Birthday to our favorite 7-year old!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Back to School

Ready for the first day... 
4th grader!!!
2nd grader!!!
The girls had a great first day of school.  Both of them love their teachers and have good friends in their classes.  Briley was the only one who cried this morning; she didn't understand why she couldn't stay at school too; she packed her lunch & everything : (  Poor girl carried that lunch box around ALL day long.  We went to Costa Vida to celebrate the first day of school :-)