Tuesday, June 14, 2011

1/2 Marathon

I know you all were just dying to see photos of my race : )  I ran 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 49 minutes... my goal was to run it in under 2 hours; so I did it!  I came in 6th out of 57 women age 30-39 and 19th out of all 165 women!  I had a lot of fun and honestly can't wait to do another and try to beat my time--anyone want to sign up for one with me in the future? :)


  1. Very impressive! Go, Mandy! And it looks like a beautiful run!

  2. My marathon running friend said your time was 'very respectable'

  3. So proud of you Amanda! Way to go!! Love you, Dad

  4. Awesome Mandy! You are amazing!
